Saturday, July 11, 2009

Yes, had to do it - Michael Jackson

Ok, I am sure everyone is so tired about hearing about the late MJ, but too bad. It's my blog. And I haven't spoken on it. Haha.... is there an etiquette to blogging? Ah I go...

Let me start off by saying, I am in no way one of these crazy fans that would faint at the sight of MJ. I am definitely a fan, just ask my parents and my brother, Richie, about the countless number of times I'd watch the Thriller video all day every day. Rewinding the betamax player (ya'll remember those!?!) over and over and over again. My mom reminds me to this day that she was so tired of this song but because she loved me, she would let me play it all day :)

Ok, MJ's death. One of my co-workers started yelling in the office that MJ was dead. I didn't believe her. I went online and on the msn homepage, it stated that he had suffered cardiac arrest and was rushed to the hospital. The only media outlet that was reporting his death was TMZ. I'm a big fan of TMZ, but didn't want to rely on them for this story. I then went on FB and EVERYONE was talking about it... soon after, the confirmations started rolling in.

I was genuinely upset. I was sad. Not sure exactly why though. I mean, yes - death is always a sad experience, but because I had no personal ties to this man (other then my countless fond memories of his songs), why was I so upset? Was it because I was never going to see him perform again? Or was it because I've come to the realization that I'm getting older, and so many people that I have admired and even looked up to are passing away around me?

During his memorial service, I was in tears. I heard the testimonials of those that were close to him. That showed us that he was human. That he was a father. That he was a son and a brother. People are so quick to judge others without knowing the full extent of each others situations. When his daughter came up to the mike, those few words that she said were so powerful, I still tear up as I sit here and type and think about it. So many people are talking about it as a "staged" presentation. I can respect that. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But after losing so many loved ones in the last two years, I could only relate to Paris. I could only sit and cry for her and with her. Regardless of the crazy stories, the crazy antics, and everything the press wanted us to hear and see, there are two things that I feel strongly about:

1. He was a very talented artist. One that will be remembered for many lifetimes. He has brought so much joy to so many people, by sharing his music with the public for almost his entire life. Every MJ song to me, has a different memory...and his music is just timeless. I still rock the old & new MJ stuff on my iPod.
2. He was human. He was a father who has left 3 beautiful children in this crazy world, who I pray will not be judged by the allegations made to their father nor will they have to suffer from the greed of so many that they are surrounded by.

I am definitely not idolizing MJ, nor am I saying he has never done wrong. What I am saying is I enjoyed his work, and am not the one that he stood in front of on judgement day. I'm simply a fan. A fan that enjoyed his music, his videos, his performances and can respect his hard work and God given talent.

MJ - may you rest in peace knowing you have touched so many people, so many lives, and have given so many of us cherished memories that we will remember for all of time.

Joey... everytime I hear this song, of course it reminds me of you... not because ya'll had the same hair (heehee) but because I can hear you singing it everytime it plays.

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